Вікторія Юріївна Безгубенко-Гнатишин


Безгубенко-Гнатишин В. Ю. Генезис, причини та наслідки світових економічних криз.


Розглянуто й узагальнено сутність та основні теоретичні концепти світових економічних криз. Охарактеризовано причинно-наслідкові зв’язки світових економічних та фінансових криз. Узагальнено еволюцію світових фінансових криз та розглянуто основні їхні наслідки для світової економіки. Здійснено періодизацію економічних та фінансових криз з урахуванням їхніх причинно-наслідкових зв’язків. Наведено часові межі та “зони покриття” фінансових криз.


Безгубенко-Гнатышын В. Ю.Генезис, причины и последствия мировых экономических кризисов.


Рассмотрены и обобщены сущность и основные теоретические концепты мировых экономических кризисов. Раскрыты причинно-следственные связи мировых экономических и финансовых кризисов. Обобщена эволюция мировых финансовых кризисов и рассмотрены основные их последствия для мировой экономики. Осуществлена периодизация экономических и финансовых кризисов с учетом их причинно-следственных связей. Представлены временные границы и “зоны покрытия” финансовых кризисов.


Bezgubenko-Gnatychyn V. Genesis, causes and consequences of global economic crisis.


Introduction. Crises accompanied mankind throughout history development. There are allegations that the global financial crisis first emerged in the first century BC. At the beginning of a crisis characterized by its local impact, but it was limited outside of one or more countries, and already in the XXI century, thanks to the development of globalization, became international, global. For centuries, the crisis began to include not just economic or financial sector, as manifested in the political, environmental, social, military threats and conflicts. The scope, course and consequences of each subsequent crisis economies is increasingly devastating and long lasting. Because historically, humanity seeks not only to carry out effective policies to overcome the crisis, but also to be able to anticipate and react to background of another crisis.

Purpose. The article is a synthesis of theoretical approaches to defining the essence of crisis, their root causes, and the review and analysis of the history of crises and their causal relationships. 

Results. Multivariate and many factors of interpretation of economic crisis (including fi nancial) is the intertwining of their various components and originality in different countries and in different historical times under the influence by external and internal factors. The economic crisis of the twentieth century were characterized by the spread of the crisis only in the range of one to a few countries, but with time and the spread of globalization, including financial, crisis began to acquire an international character. Throughout history there has been a considerable variety of crises. During the years 1975- 1997 the International Monetary Fund recorded more than 54 150 foreign currency and debt crises in more than 50 countries. The historical aspect of the general crisis most notable are: during the First World War – the 19 countries with the decline in consumption of 24%; The Great Depression – has captured 18 countries, the fall in consumption was 19%; during World War II – 22 of the 35 countries failed with an average drop in consumption by 35%.

Conclusion. Summing up the above should summarize that: crisis accompany mankind throughout the history of its development; in economic and financial sciences generally still not established understanding of the nature, causes and likely consequences of the crisis for the economies of the world; general feature of modern crises is their unpredictability and global; the lack of effective mechanisms for crisis prevention, poor functioning of international financial institutions, the presence of massive financial speculation and virtualization of world economy create favorable conditions for distributing and generating crises in the world.

Ключові слова

криза; генезис світових фінансових криз; теорія криз; поширення фінансових криз; кризис; генезис мировых финансовых кризисов; теория кризисов; crisis; the genesis of the global financial crisis; the theory of crises; spread of financial crises

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