Довгань Ж. М. Особливості управління кредитною діяльністю банківських установ у сучасних умовах.
Розглянуто теоретико-методологічні засади кредитного менеджменту в банку. Визначено основні складові системи управління кредитною діяльністю банків. Проаналізовано динаміку кредитного портфеля банківських установ України. Розроблено підходи до підвищення аналітичної складової системи управління кредитною діяльністю банків шляхом впровадження заходів з управління проблемними кредитами банку та кредитного ризик-менеджменту. Обґрунтовано напрями удосконалення системи управління кредитною діяльністю банківських установ в умовах сучасної економіки України.
Довгань Ж. Н. Особенности управления кредитной деятельностью банковских учреждений в современных условиях.
Рассмотрены теоретико-методологические основы кредитного менеджмента в банке. Определены основные составляющие системы управления кредитной деятельностью банков. Проанализирована динамика кредитного портфеля банковских учреждений Украины. Разработаны подходы к повышению аналитической составляющей системы управления кредитной деятельностью банков путем внедрения мероприятий по управлению проблемными кредитами банка и кредитного риск-менеджмента. Обоснованы направления совершенствования системы управления кредитной деятельностью банковских учреждений в условиях современной экономики Украины.
Dovhan Zh. Management peculiarities of bank institutions credit activity in modern conditions.
Introduction. Insufficient attention to the problem of managing banks’ credit activity is reflected both in their ability to restore lending activity in the post-crisis period and on maintaining stable volume of lending activity during the growth crisis. In terms of layoffs Ukrainian banks’ credit activity is very low. Its due to reduction of the resource base, deteriorating creditworthiness of borrowers and the high level of uncertainty about the further economic development, which in turn adversely affects both the liquidity and the capitalization of the banking institutions and promotes growth the amount of arrears.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to explore and prove the main components of credit management and direction of its improvement to ensure effective credit activity of banks in modern conditions.
Results. The theoretical and methodological principles of credit management in the bank are considered. The following main components of the system management of the credit activity of banks are defined: organizational structure of credit portfolio management; develop strategies and tactics of monetary policy; availability of domestic credit documents regulating the credit process; analysis of the loan portfolio to enhance its quantitative and qualitative characteristics. An analysis of the dynamics of the loan portfolio of banks Ukraine found that domestic bank lending declined, the level of dollarization of credit to the economy grew there was increase in the proportion of bad debts to total loans. The main problems in the management of credit activity of banks include: macroeconomic, quality management of banking institutions, the behavior of borrowers. A requirement for the effective management of credit activity is to increase the safety of financial instruments, financial markets and banks by reducing the risks of lending. To improve the management of credit lines of banks expedient to include: improving the effi ciency of macroeconomic policy in the direction of preventing excessive increase in asset prices and the cyclical development lending; ensure effective supervision of the use of risk-based approaches; increasing the transparency of the banks and their credit policies informative for customers; improving the system of credit risk management; the establishment and improvement of specialized development institutions; lower interest rates; development of measures of state support of business loans that are a priority for the development of the national economy.
Conclusion. To improve the credit quality of bank management is to improve the relevant theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the management of the credit activity of banks in terms of its elements, as well as development trends of its improvement. They take account of banking institutions should bring significant economic benefits in the form of profit from the high quality of lending, which, in turn, will allow banks to avoid incurring losses on risky lending and raise their level of economic security.
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Офіційний сайт міжнародного рейтингового агентства Moody’s Investors Service [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http:// /www.moodys.com.
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