Луців Б. Л., Рипкович М. П. Фінансово-кредитні важелі розвитку туристично-рекреаційної сфери Закарпаття в умовах трансформації місцевого самоврядування.
Обґрунтовано важливість застосування фінансово-кредитних важелів для розвитку туристично-рекреаційної сфери. Проаналізовано динаміку туристичних потоків в Україні і Закарпатській області. Визначено проблеми і чинники низької ефективності використання туристично-рекреаційного потенціалу в гірських районах Закарпаття. Розглянуто нові методи та інструменти фінансового характеру у системі регулювання розвитком туристично-рекреаційного регіону.
Луцив Б. Л., Рыпкович М. П. Финансово-кредитные рычаги развития туристическо-рекреационной сферы в условиях трансформации местного самоуправления.
Обосновано веское значение финансово-кредитных рычагов в развитии туристко-рекреационной сферы. Проанализирована динамика туристических потоков в Украине и Закарпатской области. Определены проблемы и факторы низкой эффективности использования туристско-рекреационного потенциала горных районов Закарпатья. Рассмотрены новые методы и инструменты финансового характера в системе регулирования развитием туристско-рекреационного комплекса региона.
Lutsiv B., Rypkovych M. Financial and credit levers of tourist and recreational areas of Transcarpathia in terms of local government transformation.
Introduction. It is noted that the effective functioning of the tourism and recreation sector is largely dependent on the existing financial capacity to ensure its economic development determined by the criteria of sufficiency of financial resources. It is substantiated the importance of applying financial and credit levers for the development of the tourism and recreational sphere, which will generate the necessary funds for the modernization of material and technical base.
Purpose. The purpose and objectives of this research are formulated to improve the impact of the financial and credit levers in the current system of financial and credit mechanism for tourism and recreation industry development of the region in the current modernization processes of the Ukrainian economy.
Results. The dynamics of tourist flows in Ukraine and in Transcarpathian region in the postcrisis period is analyzed. It is revealed that under the current dynamics of the tourist flows reduction in the Transcarpathian region for inbound domestic and outbound tourism, it is necessary to develop a strategy for improving organizational and management mechanism, improve the efficiency of tourism and recreational enterprises and develop conceptual approaches to the use of financial and credit levers of influence on the development of tourist recreational sphere. The problems and factors of low efficiency of the tourism potential in the mountain areas of Transcarpathia are defined. It is emphasized that among the real sources of investment income to the development of tourist and recreational potential of mountainous areas of western regions of Ukraine a leading place is occupied by the means of Ukrainian labour migrants. For the introduction of new methods, techniques and tools in the system of regulation of the tourist and recreational complex development in the region, it is highlighted the following methods of a financial nature such as reengineering, revenue management of tourist and recreational enterprises and optimization of the capital structure of such enterprises. It is noted that under the current situation of decentralization and local government transformation, the introduction of new financial mechanisms is updated to raise funds for the development of tourism and recreation industry at the regional level.
Conclusion. To enhance the action of financial-credit and tax aspects of the direction of market regulation, and the development of tourism and recreation, it is suggested to make greater use of financial and credit levers as the introduction of micro-credit, preferential crediting of subjects of recreational and tourism business, government subsidies and leasing. It is proved that improve the efficiency of recreational, resort and tourism sector facilities in the region it is necessary to activate the mechanism of regional budgeting of sanatorium activity and to put to a greater use participatory budgeting.
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Література :
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