Богдана Степанівна Шулюк


Шулюк Б. С. Фінанси державно-приватного партнерства як засіб модернізації економіки України.


Висвітлено стан та проблеми фінансування економічної інфраструктури в Україні. Розкрито сутність поняття “державно-приватне партнерство” з точки зору організаційно-правового, фінансово-економічного, політичного й соціального підходів і на цій основі запропоновано авторське визначення з урахуванням особливостей сучасних умов господарювання. Обґрунтовано роль фінансів згаданого партнерства у модернізації вітчизняної економіки. Доведено необхідність створення сприятливих умов, які визначають успішність розробки та реалізації проектів державно-приватного партнерства з метою вирішення актуальних соціально-економічних проблем країни.


Шулюк Б. С. Финансы государственно-частного партнерства как средство модернизации экономики Украины.


Отражено состояние и проблемы финансирования экономической инфраструктуры в Украине. Раскрыта сущность понятия “государственно-частное партнерство” с точки зрения организационно-правового, финансово-экономического, политического и социального подходов и на этой основе предложено авторское определение с учетом особенностей современных условий хозяйствования. Обоснована роль финансов упомянутого партнерства в модернизации отечественной экономики. Доказана необходимость создания благоприятных условий, которые определяют успешность разработки и реализации проектов государственно-частного партнерства в целях решения актуальных социально-экономических проблем страны.


Shuljuk B. Finance of public-private partnership as a measure of modernization of economy of Ukraine.


Introduction. Difficult economic conditions that are manifested in the growth of public debt and deficit of budgets of different levels, curtailing of mechanisms of long-term government funding and lending, show limited capacity of fiscal policy concerning investment in economic infrastructure. Top targets in sectors of economy can be settled through the development of various forms of partnership relations between the government and private businesses that allow to solve problems not only in the sectors of infrastructure (transport, housing and public services, health, education, etc.), but also in strategic sectors that previously were exclusively in public ownership (energy, military and space development, etc.). At the same time, the public-private partnership functions under imperfect legal environment, mistrust of the state to the private sector and political instability that discourages the involvement of private partners for financial support of sectors of economy in Ukraine. So, it is important to solve the problems of development of public-private partnership finance in Ukraine for the purpose of the effective modernization of the national economy. Purpose.

Purpose of the article is to examine the finances of public-private partnerships as a mean of modernization of domestic economy, to identify the main risks arising during the implementation of partnership projects and also to justificate its use in the process of infrastructure facilities financing in order to achieve social and economic prosperity in Ukraine.

Results. The investigation of influence of public-private partnership finance on the development of Ukrainian economic infrastructure enables to conclude that such cooperation will give the chance to reduce the load on the budget, expand opportunities for attraction of new equipment and technologies, improve the quality of public services. However, co-financing of infrastructure projects is accompanied by risks for its participants. For the public partner above mentioned risks are manifested in choosing irresponsible and inexperienced partner, bankruptcy of a company, false information concerning the terms of cooperation and not reasonable proposals for a public-private partnership. The private partner is burdened with such risks as: improper performance of contract’s terms by the authorities and lack of their responsibility, risk of reduction or termination of project funding because of the changing of fiscal policy priorities, the complexity of Cooperation Agreement termination and return of the investments. It is, therefore, necessary to conduct financial and economic analysis on the expediency of such cooperation in terms of budget efficiency.

Conclusion. Under conditions of the necessity to modernize Ukrainian economy, it is appropriate to create favorable conditions that determine the success of the development and implementation of public-private partnership, in particular: improvement of the regulatory framework; the establishment of appropriate institutional structure; fulfillment of exact calculation of necessary funds for project financing; realization of the transparent competitive procedures that ensure competition in price offer; providing stability of cooperation terms and sharing risks between the executive authorities and economic entities. The implementation of the proposed measures will give the chance to provide steady economic growth, improve quality of life and achieve other strategic goals of countries’ social and economic development.

Ключові слова

державно-приватне партнерство; державні фінанси; фінанси приватного сектору; государственно-частное партнерство; государственные финансы; финансы частного сектора; public-private partnership; public finance; private sector finance; financial projects

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Література :

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