
Introduction. An essential condition for the functioning of the financial mechanism of public-private partnership is the formation of effective financial methods. At the same time there is no single approach in the economic literature to finding out the essence of financial methods and their types, that needs activation of scientific efforts, noted questions directed on research.

Methods. We use methods of dialectical analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of logical generalization, comparison and formalization.

Results. The article outlines the essence of financial methods as a manifestation of the financial mechanism of public-private partnership. Under them it is necessary to understand the totality of financial procedures used in the joint activity of the state and economic entities for the performance of their functions. It was singled out their types, in particular: financial planning, financial support, financial regulation, financial accounting, analysis, evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the mechanism, financial control. The objective necessity of effective development and effective use of financial methods is exposed for the sphere of realization of partner relations between the state and business is revealed. After all, with the help of them, strategic and tactical vectors of activity are created, the mobilization of the necessary financial resources and rational distribution of them are carried out, the tasks of the partners of the partnership are fulfilled. It is noted that the relevance of these issues caused considerable interest and attention of scientists to the study of financial methods. It noted the versatility of the coverage of this concept
in the scientific literature, and as a consequence, the lack of a terminological basis of his knowledge in the field of selected research.

Conclusions. Financial methods occupy an important place in the structure of the financial mechanism of public-private partnership. After all, they allow to rationally plan the sources of formation and directions of the use of financial resources of public-private partnership, to effectively monitor the flow of financial flows, to monitor the status of payments and settlements with suppliers and customers, to evaluate the results of financial and economic activities of the partners. Consequently, the effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of the mechanism are ensured.

Ключові слова

financial mechanism, public-private partnership, financial methods

Повний текст:



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