About the Journal
The World of Finance scientific journal was founded in May 2004 by the Department of Finance of the Ternopil Academy of National Economy. In March 2021, the founder and publisher, Western Ukrainian National University, passed the state re-registration of the scientific journal “World of Finance” (certificate of state registration of mass media KV № 24739-14679PR dated March 23, 2021).
The ISSN International Center (Paris) has included the scientific journal “World of Finance” in the international register of periodicals, assigning it the international standard number (ISSN) 1818-5754 (print) and 2415-3672 (online).
According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 28.12.2019 No. 1643, the journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine of category “B”. Therefore, it is possible to publish the results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Economic Sciences.
The World of Finance scientific journal is intended for professionals interested in theoretical and applied problems of economics, finance, banking and insurance, accounting and taxation, public administration and management, financial management and international finance.
The editorial board accepts scientific articles on topical issues. Submitted articles should contain the results of in-depth scientific research and justification of the scientific results obtained. The topic of the article should correspond to the thematic orientation of the journal: topical issues of the theory of finance, money and credit; state and local finance; tax and fiscal policy; public administration and financial management; banking and monetary policy; financial services market and international finance.
Language of the manuscript: Ukrainian.
Publication frequency: 4 times a year.