
Introduction. Modern trends of home economics are characterized by its components diversity, a dynamic structure of evolution and a certain imbalance caused by permanent crises, increased economic, political, cultural, environmental risks, as well as significant social tensions. Further, the aftermath may be unpredictable for countries with thoroughly different levels of development. Affecting various areas of public life, fiscal space asymmetries belong to the most controversial relevant field-related issues. Meanwhile, a definition of asymmetries is often equally applied to describe the concepts of national economy’s regional or intersectoral imbalance, destruction of economic or social processes, still remaining an objective phenomenon. The issue of destructive increase is associated with incompetence of employing asymmetries in an attempt to balance and improve a socio-economic situation in the country.

The purpose is to argue a notion of fiscal space asymmetry in order to define the fiscal theory key concepts and classification, to discuss a dualistic nature of their content.

Results. The article reviews theoretical fundamentals by foreign and domestic scientists in the asymmetries domain, provides a detailed analysis of related elaborations, based on which the author's fiscal space asymmetry definition is suggested. Also, their influence on the optimal tax system formation is clarified.

Conclusions. Fiscal space, under the asymmetries’ systematic influence, conditioned by a number of internal and external factors, is subject to certain inconsistencies that affect social advancement in different ways. It appears essential to determine the causes as well as to identify differences in question to effectively manage fiscal tools, in particular, the fiscal space asymmetries, to minimize risks, imbalance and chaos of economic development, and to reduce social tension.

Ключові слова

asymmetries, fiscal theory, fiscal space, asymmetries of fiscal space, fiscal policy, optimal tax system

Повний текст:



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West Ukrainian National University
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