
Introduction. The war in Ukraine has necessitated a change in scientific approaches to defining the role, functions and directions of territorial communities - to consider them primarily not from the perspective of development and economic growth, but rather from the perspective of maintaining resilience under the influence of external shocks. The need to change the approach "coincided" with the expansion of the range of crisis phenomena in the economy, which led to increased scientific interest in the concept of resilience in the personal, organizational and territorial dimensions.

The purpose of the article is to study scientific approaches to disclosing the essence and substantiating the determinants of financial sustainability of territorial communities.

Results. The multidisciplinary nature of the concept of "sustainability" is substantiated. The evolution of scientific thought on the sustainability of socio-ecological systems in the economic literature is analyzed: the concept of sustainability was used to describe the system's response to a shock and the course of its recovery. At the present stage, approaches to determining the sustainability of socio-ecological and economic systems are based not only on maintaining the balance, but also on the dynamics of the system in conditions when the balance is disturbed. The interrelationships between the concepts of "sustainability", "adaptability" and "transformability" are established. The financial sustainability of a territorial community is considered as a component of sustainability, which includes not only financial resources and mechanisms for managing them, but also the community economy as a basis for consolidating resources, human and social capital for managing them.

Conclusions. The financial sustainability of a territorial community is the ability to manage financial resources stably and ensure the full provision of public services to residents in the face of financial and economic shocks, to adapt to changes, to transform under the influence of external factors through innovation, changes in behavior and approaches to management and use of the accumulated resource potential as a result of gaining new financial knowledge and experience. The determinants of the financial sustainability of territorial communities are identified: accumulated resource potential, financial inclusion, financial literacy and behavior, social capital and external relations.

Ключові слова

sustainability, financial sustainability, territorial community, crisis, determinants, adaptability, development, war, instability

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