
Introduction. One of the key components of sustainable development is the green economy, which aims to reduce the negative impact on the environment, rational use of resources and ensure economic growth without harming the environment. This approach not only responds to global challenges such as climate change and the depletion of natural resources, but also opens up new opportunities for managerial and financial innovation.

Modern trends in the green economy include the introduction of new technologies, the development of environmentally friendly products and services, as well as the creation of effective mechanisms for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste management. The transition to renewable energy sources, optimization of production processes and improvement of energy efficiency are also important aspects.

Thus, understanding the current trends of the green economy is necessary for effective management and financing in new conditions. That is why modern studies of the key elements of these trends, their impact on management practices and financial strategies, as well as the opportunities and challenges facing organizations in the context of the transition to a green economy are relevant and necessary to ensure further economic growth.

The purpose of the article is to determine the current trends in the development of the green economy, taking into account financial and managerial aspects.

Results. The presented paper analyzes the main trends in the development of the modern green economy, presents the main features and differences from the traditional economy. The impact of managerial and financial aspects on the development of the green economy is determined. It has been proven that the managerial aspect of the green economy includes the development and implementation of strategies that not only meet the requirements of environmental standards, but also ensure competitiveness and long-term stability of business. At the same time, the financial aspect of the green economy covers the issues of investing in environmentally friendly technologies, financing projects that have a positive impact on the environment, and assessing the financial risks and opportunities associated with the transition to a green economy.

Conclusions. In the process of research, it was substantiated that sustainable development is not only a conceptual idea, but turns into a necessity for modern business and economic activity. The green economy offers new opportunities and challenges from both managerial and financial aspects, requiring companies to adapt and innovate. In general, the integration of green economy principles into management and financial strategies is a key factor for ensuring sustainable development and adaptation to changes in the global economic space. Successful implementation of these principles allows organizations not only to reduce their environmental footprint, but also to create new business opportunities, enhance reputation and attract sustainability-oriented investors.

Ключові слова

circular economy, sustainable development, green economy, financial instruments, green finance, circular business models, global value chains, regulation, clusters, EU

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