Theoretical frameworks of crediting as form of public welfare financial providing

Volodymyr HORYN


Introduction. In the modern context, activation of population crediting, intensification of its social nature are able to provide not only positive economical impact but also the opportunities for substantial improvement in the quality of life for the public. However, there are not enough scientific researches in the economic literature, which are devoted to the deployment of the social crediting aspects as the form of financial support of public welfare.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to disclose the theoretical frameworks of crediting as the form of financial support of public welfare, which provides the coverage of social crediting characteristics as well as the extraction of the classification features which point out the strong link between crediting and public welfare.

Results. It is considered that in economic literature the concept of crediting is understood as the form of financial support of the needs of economic entities, state and households, which is characterized by the high effectiveness of funds use. It is reasonably considered that crediting is also one of the effective forms of financial impact on the level of public welfare. It can be considered as an effective method of stimulation of aggregate demand and the improvement of the living standards; tool for the fulfillment of state social policies and also a form of expression of the business social responsibility. The research results of theoretical frameworks of crediting pointed out that it is still not fully formulated. Different interpretation of the basic concepts are observed, there is no consensus of the scientists regarding public purpose and types of crediting, its classification criteria. It is reasonably considered that taking into account substantial social nature of crediting, the social signs of its classification can be identified, which point out on its strong link with the public welfare. Crediting specific purpose, type of borrower and also crediting paying sign are proposed to be considered as such signs. The main types of crediting (consumer credit, investment loans, including lending for education and small business crediting), which facilitate the increase of public welfare were reviewed.

Conclusion. In the modern context, crediting can become the alternative to the budget expenditure increase on the fulfillment of the government’s social responsibilities. The advantages in crediting are that besides its positive economic impact, it can substantially influence the level of public welfare. Prepared in the article scientific statements can become the theoretical frameworks of improvement crediting practice in Ukraine with a view to increasing the effectiveness of its impact on the level of public welfare

Ключові слова

crediting; public welfare; financial support; consumer credit; investment loans

Повний текст:



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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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