Architectonics of budget mechanism of socio-economic development of the state



Introduction. The need to neutralize the threats to Ukraine's national security requires review of the priorities of public administration. Given the leading role of the budget as the imperative dominant of the system of state regulation of socio-economic development, the use of which is linked to the practical application of the budget mechanism of the socio-economic development of the state, the feasibility of modernizing the said mechanism is beyond doubt. The above circumstances determine the indisputable relevance of the study of the architecture of the budget mechanism and the search for ways to improve its structure, the integration of financial methods, forms, tools and instruments.

Purposes. The purpose of the article is to formulate its own scientific approach to the structuring of the budget mechanism of the socio-economic development of the state, the characteristics of its elements and the relationship between them.
Results.The result of the study proved that the optimal combination of elements of the budget mechanism allows the state to effectively influence the socio-economic processes, ensuring the functioning and development of the national economy, affordable and quality public services to the population, solving social problems and others. So in terms of transformation of budgetary relations and orientation of public finance to economic growth and improving public welfare scientific approaches to structuring the budget mechanism require revisionand clarification.

Conclusion. Taking into account the directions of budget resources movement, the budget mechanism of the socio-economic development of the state proposes to distinguish two main subsystems: the mechanism of budget funds formation and the mechanism of using budget funds. In each of the subsystems, financial methods, forms, tools, levers are distinguished and characterized in the context of providing the architectural budget mechanism.

Ключові слова

budget mechanism of socio-economic development; mechanism of formation of the budget funds

Повний текст:



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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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