
Introduction. In Ukraine, substantial structural reforms have been realized for last years. The necessity to provide financial stability of local budgets sets up new demands for their management. In this way the problem of searching new methods and tools to estimate financial stability of local budgets under the conditions of decentralization becomes of a great importance. Research purpose is to extend the theoretical and methodical bases and to prove methodical set of instruments for estimating financial stability of local budgets in Ukraine.

Results. It proves that in the sphere of modern science there are many problems connected with the methods for estimating financial stability of local budgets. Not all these problems have studied thoroughly. It proposes the set of instruments for estimating present financial stability of local budgets. This set of instruments includes the system of indices of present financial stability of local budgets: financial capability, financial autonomy, effectiveness, and debts obligations as well as indicating its integral index. It develops the accounting algorithm of these indices that outlines the order to analyse the dynamic information body of statistic data for estimating the groups of indices of financial stability of local budgets. It helps to characterize particular constituent elements of present financial stability of local budgets in Ukraine and to indicate its integral index.

Conclusions. It develops the set of methodical instruments for estimating the level of present financial stability of local budgets that includes the system of indices and the algorithm of its calculation. The approbation of methodology for estimating the level of present financial stability of local budgets in Ukraine proved the possibility of its use for analyzing the financial stability of local budgets.

Ключові слова

financial stability, local budgets, indices of present financial stability, financial capability, financial autonomy

Повний текст:



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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
© "WOF", 2004-2019