Olha KNEYSLER, Natalia SPASIV, Svitlana KOROL


Introduction. Transformational changes in the economic system in Ukraine lead to adaptation in the digital dimension and to new vectors of development in the insurance market. The key driver of change has been digitalization.

The purpose of the article is to identify innovation trends in the development of insurance companies in Ukraine and justify the introduction of digitalization on the example of an insurance company.

Methods. In the process of research the methods of dialectical analysis, synthesis, formalization, graphic, as well as logical generalization were used.

Results. Digital insurance is characterized as a new direction in insurance. The advantages and disadvantages of digitalization in the work of insurers are highlighted. The plan of digitalization introduction on the example of the insurance company is offered and its economic expediency is substantiated. The implementation of the proposed plan will enable the insurance company to strengthen its competitive position.

Perspectives. The subject of further research is to study the impact of modern trends in the development of insurance companies as qualitatively new vectors of their development.

Ключові слова

insurance, insurance services, insurer, insurer, insurance market, digitalization, efficiency

Повний текст:



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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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