
Introduction. The operation of commercial banks (CB) must be safe. The lack of an effective system of financial security CB (FSCB) causes instability of banking, increasing shadowing of rela-tions in the banking sector, makes impossible for the CB to properly perform its functional purpose, negatively affects the real sector of the national economy and life in any country. Therefore, the formation of this system should be given daily attention of scientists and practitioners, government agencies, market regulators of banking services and self-regulatory organizations and CB. It is important to justify the impact of liquidity on the FSCB, which should find a prominent place in the Comprehensive program of the FSCB.

The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of increasing the role of CB liquidity in providing the FSCB in the development of the Comprehensive program for the provision of the FSCB.

Results. The article highlights the essence of the FSCB and its varieties, as well as ways to increase the role of liquidity of banking institutions in providing the FSCB in the development of a Comprehensive program to provide the FSCB.

Conclusions. Methods of analogies, decomposition and generalization, expert assessments, situational and logical analysis, conceptual modeling are used.

Ключові слова

acommercial bank, liquidity, liquidity management, financial security, financial security of the commercial banks

Повний текст:



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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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