
Introduction. The article analyzes trends, the current state of bank lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine and banking products and programs to assist small and medium enterprises, which are provided by individual state-owned banks. Conclusions on the current situation are substantiated and the directions of development of bank lending to small and medium business in Ukraine are determined.

Purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of bank lending to small and medium enterprises in Ukraine, to identify the problems in this area, and develop practical and methodological recommendations for improving the work of banking institutions in the field of small and medium business lending.

Methods. Statistical methods, methods of analysis and observation were used to classify small and medium enterprises, study the current state of bank lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine. Statistical and graphical methods are used to process and summarize statistical data and display them in tables and figures. On the basis of the dialectical method of cognition, banking products and programs of assistance to small and medium enterprises in Ukraine are generalized. The generalization of the results was used in formulating conclusions on the trends and current state of bank lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine.

Results. The study of trends in the development of business structures in Ukraine shows that the current economic and financial woes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have put the small and medium business sector in extremely difficult financial conditions. The reasons for the decline in bank lending to small and medium-sized businesses are analyzed. Banking products and programs of assistance to small and medium enterprises in Ukraine, which are provided by some state-owned banks, are considered. The main directions of intensification of lending by banking institutions of small and medium enterprises in Ukraine are substantiated.

Perspectives. Against the background of problems associated with lending to small and medium enterprises, of particular interest are the development and implementation of new credit technologies, innovative projects, development of new banking products and services for small and medium enterprises.

Ключові слова

small and medium business, microenterprises, sources of financing of capital investments, banking institutions, bank crediting, state support of small and medium business

Повний текст:



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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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