Introduction. The level of financial literacy of citizens affects their ability to optimally spend money within available incomes and save, justifiably attract borrowed funds, avoid financial fraud, maintain financial stability, and improve well-being.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the principles and goals of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy Development until 2030, analyze existing programs and activities in the field of improving the financial literacy of Ukrainian households, and outline the prospects for further activities in this area.
Results. The principles and goals of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy Development until 2030 have been summarized. It has been found that there are positive shifts and significant achievements in Ukraine in the field of increasing the financial literacy of citizens.
Conclusions. Based on the research results, it is concluded that in conditions of economic instability, digitalization of financial instruments, and the need to counter financial risks, improving the financial literacy of citizens becomes important not only for households but also for financial intermediaries and the state. This requires further development and implementation of measures.
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West Ukrainian National University