Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of tax policy under martial law. The author establishes that the concept of “tax policy” is studied by many scholars, but currently there is no single view on the definition of its content. It is noted that the concept of “tax policy” is not enshrined in legislation. Tax policy is usually within the framework of a certain economic policy which, to one degree or another, subordinates all the most significant areas of social relations, including taxes. The author emphasizes that depending on the organizational structure of governance, tax policy is distinguished at the macroeconomic (state tax policy) and microeconomic levels (tax policy of taxable entities – legal entities and individuals). Each of these levels is characterized by its own specific features, purpose, goals, objectives and methods of their implementation.
The purpose of article is to develop tax policy measures that would support Ukrainian business.
Results. It is noted that the objectives of tax policy are not stable and depend on the economic situation in the country, social policy, and external conditions and threats faced by the State. We believe that it is appropriate to supplement the objectives of tax policy with one more – adaptation to the rules and regulations of the European Union.
The article establishes the dependence of tax policy goals and its models. The world experience distinguishes three models of tax policy: the policy of maximum taxes, the policy of economic development, and the policy of reasonable taxes. It is noted that none of the models is used in its pure form, but in combination, when one model prevails over the other.
Conclusions. The first days of the military invasion of Ukraine required the government to take adequate action on tax policy. In this regard, the author introduces the temporary martial law tax policy of Ukraine, which is characterized by certain simplifications and specific features which are manifested in five innovations. It is noted that due to the temporary tax policy, Ukraine has created favorable conditions for maintaining activity among existing business entities, helped the economy to overcome the first shocks of the war and save thousands of enterprises and millions of jobs.
The war has always been and remains an impetus for reforming tax policy, but at present its reform in Ukraine is complicated both from the economic side (lack of resources) and from the political side. Based on this, the author of the article proposes to introduce measures regarding tax policy that would allow supporting Ukrainian business in this difficult time for Ukraine.
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West Ukrainian National University