Practices of development and implementation strategy financial policy of higher education innovation of Ukraine



Introduction. Article reviews the current state and key aspects of financial policy in higher education and it’s innovative development in Ukraine. Through education institutions achieved increase of social standards, needs and increase welfare, increase the competitiveness of the state as a whole.

Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to determine the characteristics of the development strategy of financial policy of innovative development of higher education and finding ways to improve its implementation.

Results. The article deals with the importance of an innovative approach to the development of financial strategy in higher education. The ways to improve the effectiveness of the financial policy of innovative development of higher education are defined. Today an important form of state regulation of the economy is macroeconomic planning and forecasting.

Conclusion. Innovative development of higher education is the foundation of economic growth of the economy and improvement of social standards. The financial policy of the state in this area is aimed, ultimately, to ensure the welfare of all members of society. Achieving high rates of innovation in the field of higher education facilities by building efficient system of economic mechanisms of financing. Important direct result of providing innovative educational services not only to order the state or the employer, but also on the personal needs of citizens in their development. The level of education is a key factor the ability of the workforce to adapt to new conditions, increase overall efficiency, etc.

Ключові слова

financial policy; innovation; higher education; financial strategy; financial tactics;

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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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