Investment risks of insurance companies through the prism of domestic practice



Introduction. In modern conditions insurance companies has engaged in investment activity under various risks. Management of insurance company can’t influence the market risks. Insurance company can apply the methods of risk management in investment activity.

Purpose. The purpose of scientific research is to find out the essence and composition of investment risks of insurance company.

Results. The essence of the investment risk of insurance company is found out. The position of investment activity of insurance company along insurance activity under different scientific views is determined. Aggressive, conservative and moderately conservative investment strategies of insurance companies are characterized. The main indicators of investment activity of domestic insurance companies are analyzed. The types of investment risk of insurance company are determined. The main methods of neutralizing the risk of investment activity of insurance company are established.

Conclusion. It is concluded that the essence of the investment risk of insurance company belongs to a number of controversial ones. Established, that insurance and investment activities of insurance company are closely linked. It has been found, that aggressive, conservative and moderately conservative investment strategies of insurance companies are different levels of profitability and risk of funds allocation. Over the last years the investment activity of domestic insurance companies showed almost stable positive results. Summarized, that investment risks, associated with incompetent management, the most threaten to insurance company. Avoidance, limitation and diversification are the main methods of neutralizing the risks in investing activity of insurance companies.

Ключові слова

investment activity of insurance company; investment strategy

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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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