
Introduction. The functioning of banks in the highly competitive environment requires some research on the patterns of their activity in the market. Increased competition between deposit institutions, the emergence of compete it or sin the face of non-banking institutions (insurance, trust companies, pension funds), the outflow of investments from banks due to the development of the securities market have led to the need for banks to use marketing tools. In this context, the importance of digitalization on banking business in Ukraine plays an important role. Therefore, a necessary prerequisite for effective banking is the integration of digital and traditional marketing components, which will vary depending on the business model adopted and the status of the product and price segments of the market.

Purpose is to investigate the trends of influence of modern information technologies on the development of banking marketing, to substantiate on this basis the ways of development of innovations of the banking product line in the conditions of financial instability.

Results. The basic essential and evolutionary features of banking marketing have been analyzed and systematized, which made it possible to define modern banking marketing as an active search by banks for profitable markets of banking products. The influence of modern information technologies on the development of banking marketing is investigated. The key aspects of the strategic transformation of the bank into the digital era are identified. The directions of introduction of banking innovations in the conditions of financial instability, increase of banks' ability to use information resources effectively, development of new banking technologies and products, preservation of their competitive positions in the market and customer trust are offered.

Conclusions. We see the prospects for further study of the stated problem in the study of challenges and threats that bring features of digitalization of the economy to all participants of this process. Due to the constant growth of cyberattacks, it is necessary to protect Internet applications and mobile financial applications, smart contracts, payment and automated banking systems, etc. by increasing the level of information security. A more detailed exploration of systems approaches to ensuring that Big Data and cloud services are used as test platforms is promising.

Ключові слова

banking marketing, innovation, financial innovation, digital economy, internet banking, information and telecommunication technologies, cloud technologies, Big Data

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West Ukrainian National University
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