Volodymyr TYTOR, Victor ZAIATS, Ihor KEKISH


Introduction. The issue of granting the customs authorities of Ukraine the right to operational-search activities (OSA), in order to improve the fight against and identify violations of customs legislation that threaten the economic, social and fiscal interests of the state and the legitimate interests of trade are analized. On this task, the legal norms and directives of international organizations of which Ukraine is a member and international agreements ratified by Ukraine were studied, and a comparison with our legislation was made. It is proposed to revise the current Ukrainian legislation on customs in the direction of combating smuggling and violations of customs rules, bring it into line with international standards and give customs authorities the right to the OSA as a full-fledged law enforcement agency. The tasks and indicators of their achievement on organizational support of the OSA in the Customs Service of Ukraine and the approximate structure of law enforcement units of the Customs Service of Ukraine are offered.

The purpose of the article is to analyze international legal acts on customs, which indicate the need to provide the customs authorities of Ukraine with OSA in order to perform their functions in the fight against smuggling and violations of customs rules, in full and more effectively. This right is necessary for customs authorities not only to counter and prevent smuggling, but also for effective cooperation with customs and law enforcement agencies of other states.

Methods. The methods of analysis, comparison and synthesis during the study of organizational and structural support of operational-search activities of customs authorities were used.

Results. The main scientific result of the article is to identify, related to the terms of institutional capacity in the field of law enforcement of the Customs Service of Ukraine were identified and systematized, in particular, the lack of OSA in domestic customs authorities, which allowed to identify ways and prospects for their further implementation. Particular attention is paid to the need to synchronize the provisions of Ukrainian legislation with the relevant provisions of international agreements in force for Ukraine and other non-ratified by Ukraine on this issue.

Perspectives. Further research on the institutional capacity in the field of law enforcement of the Customs Service of Ukraine, in the direction of organizational and structural support of operational-search activities of customs authorities, should be conducted on the basis of theoretical justification of its law enforcement powers, taking into account levels of official interaction – departmental, interagency, international.

Ключові слова

custom affair, customs authorities, Custom Service of Ukraine, customs blueprints, violation of customs rules, smuggling, customs offenses

Повний текст:



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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
© "WOF", 2004-2025