
Introduction. The initiated processes of administrative and financial decentralization in Ukraine have actualized the issues of modernization of the social sphere in general and its key segments, among which education occupies a prominent place.

Purpose is to identify the features of the current state of functioning of the education sector and outline the directions of its reform in the conditions of decentralization.

Results. The article presents a problem-oriented analysis of the functioning of the education sector in terms of its components: preschool and secondary education, vocational education and higher education, as well as the management and financing of science. The main problems that are characteristic of the field are identified, among which the imperfect mechanism of financing, built on directing the funds for the maintenance of educational institutions, and not ensuring the quality of education according to the principle of "money go after the child", the lack of incentives for professional development of teaching staff, etc., are highlighted. The specifics of functioning and financing of pre-school education by united territorial communities, peculiarities of use of educational subvention are revealed. The problems of vocational education and the need to change approaches to its organization were emphasized. The analysis shows that, despite the positive changes and new opportunities that have emerged in the field of education and due to administrative and financial decentralization, there are risks of not achieving the planned goals. These include: low financial capacity of communities, lack of established standards of educational funding, conflicts about school closures, shortages of professionals with education and work experience who could exercise new authority and manage the on-site education process, and divide responsibility for quality of learning. Possible directions of improvement of the sphere of education are outlined.

Ключові слова

decentralization, financial support for education, preschool education, general secondary education

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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
© "WOF", 2004-2025