World market of insurance services in the conditions of change the paradigm of global economic development

Halyna KULYNA, Yaroslav FARION


Introduction. Global changes in society and the rapid development of financial technologies identify major trends in the global insurance market. At the same time there are changes to the functioning of the global insurance market and the organization of insurance companies it according to the new paradigm of the economic community.

Purpose. The aim of the research is to evaluate the trends of the global insurance market, identifying characteristics and problematic aspects of its operation in the changing paradigm of progress, to identify key priorities for further evolution in the regional dimension.

Results. The features and problems outlined aspects of the global insurance market in terms of a paradigm shift. The estimation of trends in its evolution in terms of developed and developing countries. The basic innovations in insurance-related robotics market development and risks of cyber-attacks, information and digitalization society. The basic priorities of the further evolution of the global insurance market in regional terms. The ways of improvement principles Solvensy II, which will improve the efficiency of the European insurance market.

Conclusion. For today for the world market of insurance services characteristic are next tendencies and range of problems of further advancement: acceleration of increase of volume of insurance bonuses, that get insurers from the risk types of insurance, life-insurance and reinsurance; activations of demand are on insurance services in countries that develop, especially in China, to South Korea and others like that; declines of cost of insurance products in the field of commercial insurance and strengthening of insurance interest in cyber-insurance and insurances of robots; consolidations of leading insurers are in a few highly developed countries.

Ключові слова

globalization; cyber-insurance; reinsurance

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