Theoretical aspects of determining the value of money, depending on their forms in circulation



Introduction. The development of forms of money and the evolution of monetary relations affected the assessment of the value of the monetary unit. The problem of understanding the value of money is also complicated by the fact that value is the reflection of the worth of an object, expressed in money, estimating the value of money itself, which is the basis for the effective organization of monetary relations and commodity exchange. Under such circumstances, the rationale for adequate theoretical approaches to understanding the value of money is one of the important tasks in the process of implementing an effective monetary policy as a means of ensuring macroeconomic equilibrium, low inflation and economic growth.

Purposes. The purpose of this article is to substantiate and systematize theoretical views on understanding the value of money in the light of the evolution of their forms in the development of monetary relations and those changes that took place in the basic principles of the organization of the monetary system, as well as the formulation of those recommendations for optimizing the basic principles of monetary policy , which should be aimed at ensuring the stability of monetary circulation and the normal functioning of the national economy.

Results. The fundamental theoretical approaches to assessing the value of money in the development of money relations and changes in the forms of money in circulation are analyzed and systematized. The article defines the methodological foundations for understanding the value of money and its change, depending on the internal value of a material substance that serves as a general equivalent in the current historical period.

Conclusion. An adequate understanding of the value of money serves as the cornerstone of the formation of the principles of monetary policy in a situation where the emission activity of the central bank and its task of maintaining the stability of the national monetary unit are directly determined by the need to bind the aggregate money supply to the needs of the overturn of goods and services. Awareness of the concepts of the value and price of money allows formulating the factors of influence on the stability of the national currency: 1) the stability of prices for goods, reflecting the correspondence of money supply and commodity turnover; 2) the stability of interest rates as the price of credit, which determines the role of money as a factor of production; 3) stability of the exchange rate reflecting the foreign values of the national currency. The main task of the state in the formulation and implementation of economic policies is to maintain the value of the monetary unit at an unchanged level, which is a key condition for successful economic development and the welfare of society.

Ключові слова

value of mone; total equivalent; commodity exchange, money circulation; purchasing power; monetary policy; inflation; central bank

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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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