
Introduction. Banking project investments as one of the important factors of economic development of any country should be investigated. Despite the relative novelty of project financing in Ukraine, it should be studied because this process has been widely used for a long period in the world, which is confirmed by the implementation of large-scale projects.

The purpose of the article is the implementation of a comparative analysis of bank project financing in Ukraine and the world during the pre-crisis macroeconomic situation, as well as the development of appropriate proposals for further development of the mentioned investments.

Results. It substantiated the promotion project financing would be impossible in the conditions of the predominance of the short-term loans and the unwillingness of banking institutions to participate in the financing of infrastructure and investment projects. The factors hindering the development of bank project financing in Ukraine were determined. Significant potential for the rapid development of project financing has been fully confirmed by the corresponding market demand. However, for the development of project financing in Ukraine it is necessary to realistically and in detail assess the viability and profitability of projects. Also, the most effective leverage can and should be appropriate changes in the legislation that might give the guarantee bilateral protection of investors and creditors, as well as describe the approaches to the formation of a simplified mechanism for this type of financing.

Ключові слова

project finance, banking, investment project, investment process, investors

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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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