
Introduction. The war in Ukraine has a significant impact on the financial sector in general and the financial market, in particular. Without exaggeration, the year 2022 became a turning point for the Ukrainian financial market, as well as an indicator for the entire global financial system regarding its stability and flexibility, speed of response to challenges and adaptability, the ability and readiness to introduce innovations, acceptance of challenges by all market stakeholders. The main triggers of the functioning of the financial market are the rapid and client-oriented digitalization of services; volatility of regulatory policy due to Russia's military actions in Ukraine; immediate response to changes in conditions of limited access to financial resources; quick adaptation to work with clients under conditions of strict limitation of financial transactions. The answers to these challenges were: virtualization of services through cooperation with Fin-Tech companies and, as a result, the emergence of new tools in the financial services sector; forced transition and the inevitability of acceptance of new online offers by financial intermediaries; diversification and hedging of savings by converting them into currency-equivalent deposits and cryptocurrencies; modification of mobile banking applications.

The purpose of the article to is analyze the realities of the functioning of the financial market of Ukraine during the war and to scientifically justificate the challenges of the financial sector in the conditions of the isolation of the financial market due to the introduction of martial law; identify the key development challenges, the latest financial and military activity trends; identify the channels of implementation of financial innovations by intermediaries of the financial services market; outline the triggers for the development of the financial market of Ukraine and understand the prospects for the introduction of new business models for financial market participants.

Results. It was found that the financial market of Ukraine is a "key financial front" for ensuring the stability of the entire financial system; the war has a huge impact on the functioning of all components of the market and is an "indicative marker" of the mood in the country. It is shown that in conditions of systemic challenges and threats, innovative approaches in the field of financial technologies have a significant impact on the financial market landscape, which are widely implemented in all its areas, expand the functionality of financial intermediaries, offer diversification of tools and work methods, expand opportunities for participants, modernize existing norms and rules and, most importantly, establish new traditions and develop new habits in all participants of the financial market. It is argued that the main reason for radical changes and innovations, both in regulatory policy and in the daily activities of financial market participants, is the war in Ukraine, which became a catalyst for the revision of many policies and approaches to activity. It has been demonstrated that new vectors of financial sector development are crystallizing in the financial environment, which are aimed at: digitization and automation of most financial processes; raising access to financial services to a qualitatively new level; creation of new offers in the field of financial services with an emphasis on their inclusiveness and accessibility through the use of remote customer service channels using virtual communication technologies. It has been proven that during the russian aggression, the financial market developed high loyalty and flexibility when introducing new products; established a network of new partnerships; changed the focus of activity to the effective use of technological solutions in the financial sphere. It is substantiated that the key determinants of the functioning of the financial market in the conditions of martial law are: deep understanding of the essence of market problems; adaptation of the legislative field and flexibility of prudential supervision; introduction of innovations in the development of new financial products and digitization of existing products; creation of favorable conditions for the activity of financial intermediaries in the market.

Conclusions. Based on the results of the conducted research, the following conclusions were drawn: new trends regarding the development and introduction of the latest financial tech nologies in the activities of financial intermediaries are outlined in the financial market; in modern realities, changes are taking place in the landscape of the domestic financial market – the war became a catalyst for the "survival" of both institutions and products; repurposing to remote work with clients creates a platform for promoting new products and introducing new business models.

Ключові слова

financial market, financial services market, financial environment, financial market infrastructure, financial intermediaries, financial assets, financial technologies (FinTech), innovative financial products, financial instruments

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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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