Administration and audit of the excise tax on beer


  • Fedir TKACHYK
  • Inna HUTSUL
  • Anastasiia ZINKEVYCH



tax administration, excise tax audit, excisable goods, tax control, malt beer makers


Introduction. The role of excise tax in social and economic processes is determined by its ability to regulate the interest of producers before entering such industries as brewing. The excise tax is an effective instrument for realizing in the interests of society the strategic purposes and objectives of the state policy - socio-economic and fiscal. It is a basic of the sustainable development of the country. Thus, it is expedient to study the main trends of administration and audit of the excise tax on beer in Ukraine.

The purposeof the article is to study the tasks and procedures for administering and auditing the excise tax for producers of malt beer.

Results. Characterization of excisable goods and rates of excise duty on malting beer is carried out. The task of audit of excise tax is determined. The article presents the correspondence of accounts for the excise tax on alcoholic beverages. The number of declarants of the excise tax on malt beer in Ukraine has been monitored. The factors that influence the administration of the excise tax from the malt to the budget are determined. The article analyzes the main
indicators of the excise tax declaration of the brewing enterprise. A viewpoint on optimization of excise tax rates for alcoholic beverages, in particular for malting beer, is formulated. Focused attention is paid to the role of the excise tax on alcoholic beverages (beer) for the financial resources of the states. The expediency of the strengthened tax regulation of the alcoholic drinks market in Ukraine was noted.

Conclusions. The main problems of administration and audit of the excise tax are related to the growth of fiscal opportunities and the reduction of regulatory influence. Therefore, there is a need for a significant improvement of the procedure for charging and paying excise by enhancing its regulatory properties and expanding the tax base.

Author Biographies

  • Fedir TKACHYK

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Taxes and the Ternopil National Fiscal Policy Economic University

  • Inna HUTSUL

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Taxes and the Ternopil National Fiscal Policy Economic University

  • Anastasiia ZINKEVYCH

    Post-graduate student of the department of accounting in the public sector of the economy and the services of the Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

“Administration and Audit of the Excise Tax on Beer”. World of Finance, no. 3(56), July 2019, pp. 69-79,

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