Introduction. The instability of the modern world with its numerous challenges and threats has led to the fact that tax risks, as an integral part of the financial risks of business entities, require proper management. The mismatch and inconsistency of individual components of tax risk management of enterprises with the requirements of time make difficult the implementation of micro-level tax management. Therefore, the need to implement high-quality tax risk management of enterprises, taking into account global and domestic experience, is becoming more urgent.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the content, key characteristics, components of tax risk management of enterprises, as well as to propose measures for its improvement.
Results. It was established, that there are several approaches to the interpretation of tax risk management of business entities, in particular process, system, management. Taking into account the achievements of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, an author's definition of tax risk management of enterprises is proposed. The tasks, advantages and specific features of tax risk management at the micro level are considered. The stages of tax risk management of business entities, which are distinguished in international and domestic practices, are studied. The own vision of the stages of tax risk management of enterprises is proposed and their characteristics are carried out.
Conclusions. It was justified, that the management of tax risks must be constantly improved. Measures to improve tax risk management are proposed, which should apply the latest tax practices, namely: formation of a system of internal control of tax operations and services; improving the level of personnel qualification; implementation of sound tax planning; legalization of tax processes; increasing the level of corporate tax culture. It is advisable to direct further scientific research to the search for new methods of managing tax risks of enterprises, which would be characterized by a higher degree of adaptability, efficiency and effectiveness.
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West Ukrainian National University