Methodological aspects of financial risk analysis as an instrument of management
Introduction. The article deal with the risks and its influence on the enterprises activity within the uncertainty. The essence, classification and analysis of risks is generalized, on the basis of which their own understanding is proposed. The question of forecasting the probability of bankruptcy as a widely used method of risk management is focused, its advantages and disadvantages at the present stage of development of the domestic economy are shown.
Purpose. The aim of the paper is justifying the methodological approach to the analysis of financial risks in order to increase the efficiency of their management.
Results. The financial risks are investigating taking into account theoretical approach as for the interpretation of the economic content of “risks” and substantive approach to their analysis. According to this the author suggests to consider “risks” as the probability of deterioration of the financial state of enterprise as a result of negative influence of risk factors. The methodological approach to the analysis of financial risks is proposed. In the essence of this approach are the stages of: risks identification (with the purpose of identify the risk areas of operational and financial activity of legal entities); analyzing (with the aim to isolate the risk factors); minimizing of risks (justifying the ways of risk management). The methodical principles of bankruptcy of enterprises are investigated; the methodology of its analyzing within the specific of financial and economic activity of domestic entities and the size of its financial results is substantiated.
Conclusions. The methodology of analysis of financial risks is actual today because there are lack of effective approaches to risk analyzing as a way of risk management. Proposed approach allows concentrating on risk factors and according to it to raise effectiveness to risk management.
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West Ukrainian National University