
Introduction. The effective functioning of the banking system determines the stability of the monetary market in the country. Stability and transparency of functioning and effective management are a guarantee of growth of deposits and attractiveness for investors. However, in recent years, the Ukrainian banking system is in a state of recession and does not fulfil the functions assigned to it. This led to the need for a so-called “purge” of the banking system and led to significant losses for both banks and for all the country’s economists. The instability that resulted from the crisis has caused even more distrust from people to banks. The main problems of the banking system of Ukraine in recent years is the curtailment of lending, a significant deterioration in the quality of loan portfolios, the reduction of its own capital and loss-making activity. 

Purpose. There is an analysis of the current post-crisis situation and expectations of changes in the development of the banking system of Ukraine in accordance with the new monetary policy paradigm. 

Results. The last economic crisis (2014–2015) is not generated by the banking system itself, but rather by economical quality. The policy of the Government and the monetary policy of the National Bank of Ukraine. Ukrainian banks are heavy and burdened with a large share of unprofitable loans, and the banking system itself is highly concentrated but not sufficiently consolidated. At the beginning of the crisis, the state of the banking sector was characterized by fictitious capitalization of banks, the involvement of the business of its shareholders, the with drawal of regulator refinancing, huge volumes of “garbage” securities in bank portfolios, etc. The National Bank of Ukraine has resorted to a “purge” of the banking system, in which the subjectivity and opacity appeared. The whole burden of reimbursing the costs associated with the withdrawal from the market of bankrupt banks took upon itself the fund for guaranteeing deposits of individuals. The influence of state banks on the general state of banking sector reform and ways to improve corporate governance in state banks is shown. The so-called defibrillators of changes which are expected in the near future in development of the banking system of Ukraine are defined.

Conclusions. At present, the banking system of Ukraine demonstrates the following key trends: the end of the “bankruptcy” period; the problem of improvement of loan portfolios and optimization of operations with the bonds of an internal state loan is acute; the need for a substantial reduction of state participation in the banking system.


Ключові слова

banking crisis, fund of guaranteeing deposits of individuals, banking supervision, state banks, bonds of internal state loan, corporative management

Повний текст:



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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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