
Introduction. Inclusive economic growth in Government’s Action Program is proclaimed as a strategic priority for the development of the Ukrainian economy, which makes it urgent to study the ways to secure it. An important role in ensuring inclusive growth is played by the state tax policy including income taxes due to both the ability of taxes to influence on the distribution of income and wealth in society, and the possibility of using them to stimulate more productive labor, improve skills, and obtain education.

Purpose of the article is to identify the ways to reform income taxes in the process of forming and implementing tax policies for inclusive growth.

Results. The study showed that developing income tax design that meets the requirements of inclusive growth seems to be quite difficult, since its model, which is considered the least economic efficiency (progressive income tax), is the most fair, while the least fair model (proportional tax) is the most economic efficiency. Therefore, the process of approximating various models of personal income tax to the needs of ensuring inclusive growth involves solving various problems: for a progressive tax – finding ways to increase efficiency (primarily employment incentive tools, which is a key factor for building an inclusive economy), for proportional tax – the tools of increasing equity, for personal and corporate taxes on capital income – a combination of the measures directed to increase both equity and efficiency. The tools proposed by financial science for the fulfillment of these tasks and approaches to their practical application in the EU countries are identified.

Conclusions. While financial science offers a wide range of tools that can help create income taxes that meet the goals of inclusive growth, each country should choose those tools that can be effective under its conditions. In the course of such choice the numerous factors influencing effectiveness of tax measures in a particular country should be taken into account.

Ключові слова

tax policy for inclusive growth, economic efficiency of income taxes, equity of income taxes, tools for improving efficiency and equity

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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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