
Introduction. The development of innovation parks is a key factor in stimulating innovation and economic growth. The financial aspect plays an important role in this process, as it provides funding for research, development and commercialization of new ideas and technologies. In particular, digital technologies make it possible to optimize resource management, provide access to financing through online platforms, and facilitate cooperation between different participants in the innovation ecosystem.

Digital aspects also include the use of information technology to create innovative environments, virtual platforms for collaboration and knowledge sharing, as well as the application of artificial intelligence and data analysis for forecasting and risk management. The development of digital tools can improve the efficiency and competitiveness of innovation parks, contributing to their sustainable development and attracting new participants and investors.

The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the development of innovation parks from the point of view of sources of financing and implementation of their activities under the influence of digital technologies.

Results. In the presented work, the concept of "innovation park" is clarified, the main components of the process of formation of an innovation park are defined. The main features of the financial and digital aspects of the development of innovation parks are also determined. A methodical approach to the development of the innovation park is proposed, taking into account financial and digital aspects.

Conclusions. The development of innovation parks in modern conditions requires an integrated approach, in which financial and digital aspects play a key role. Financing innovative initiatives, research and development of new technologies is an important element of the successful functioning of innovation parks. Ensuring stable and accessible financing promotes the development of an innovation environment and attracts new technology startups and companies.

At the same time, digital technologies open up new opportunities for optimizing management, collaboration and communication in innovation parks. The introduction of digital tools makes it possible to increase the efficiency of processes, ensure access to information and resources, and also stimulates innovative initiatives. Thus, the successful development of innovation parks depends on a competent combination of financial and digital strategies, which will contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for innovative entrepreneurship and ensure the sustainable development of the innovation ecosystem.

Ключові слова

innovative activity, innovations, economic development, digital inclusion, digital economy, digital technologies, financial system, digital financial tools

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ISSN 1818-5754 (print), ISSN 2415-3672 (online)
West Ukrainian National University
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