Віктор Валерійович Козюк


Козюк В. В. Макротеоретична етимологія фіскальних правил.


Доведено, що етимологічно запровадження фіскальних правил коріниться у положеннях нової класичної макроекономіки. Показано, що прямі аналогії з динамічною інконсистентністю монетарної політики є обмеженими внаслідок відмінної природи реалізації владних повноважень урядом і центральним банком. Стверджується, що фіскальні правила є більш транспарентним критерієм ідентифікації дій політиків, особливо у випадках, коли альтернативні макротеоретичні концепції допускають суттєві відмінності в оптимальних траєкторіях державного боргу. Показано, що фіскальні правила можуть ефективно впливати на обмеження фіскального опортунізму, хоча і не гарантують повне його усунення.


Козюк В. В. Макротеоретическая этимология фискальных правил.


Доказано, что этимологически введения фискальных правил коренится в положениях новой классической макроэкономики. Показано, что прямые аналогии с динамической инконсистентность монетарной политики ограничены в силу разной природы реализации властных полномочий правительством и центральным банком. Утверждается, что фискальные правила усть более транспарентным критерием идентификации действий политиков, особенно в случаях, когда альтернативные макротеоретические концепции допускают существенные различия в оптимальных траекториях государственного долга. Показано, что фискальные правила могут эффективно влиять на ограничения фискального оппортунизма, хотя и не гарантируют полного его устранения.


Kozyuk V. Macrotheoretical etymology of fiscal rules.


The macroeconomic policy structural reforms that have being taking place during last 20 years show fundamental tendency to enhance institutional mechanisms of policy oriented on stability, efficiency and decrease vulnerability to external shocks. Fiscal policy regime switch basing on rules backgrounds often followed successful reforms of central banks. Large difference between political nature of monetary and fiscal decision-making is looked as a important driving force of additional macroeconomic considerations in direction to fiscal discipline. New sources of fiscal vulnerability in the long-run (aging, contingent liabilities, tax competition etc…) are looked as important drivers of fiscal discipline institutional protection. Empirical results show that there are some relations between fiscal rules design and fiscal discipline, but sometimes rule-based fiscal policy is not a guarantee against debt vulnerability. European debt crisis is good example of fiscal rules fragility. In some case, numerical rule for debt to GDP limit may be frustrated though lost motivation to decrease debt level down from committed point opening the door for loosening fiscal flexibility during trouble times. So, macroeconomic validation of fiscal rules is background for rational choice to have more disciplined deficit policy. Aside of applyability of dynamic inconsistency approach on fiscal rules, it is clear that differences between monetary and fiscal policy provide additional considerations about fiscal vulnerabilities. It is highlighted that most differences between monetary and fiscal policy from rules-based policy approach related to: short- and long-term effects of fiscal and monetary responds; differences in lags length; globalization influence on numerical target; possibilities to manipulate with numerical target; understanding what is efficiency of policy and what is outcome of efficient policy etc. Dynamic inconsistency theory shows fragility on the level of decision making. But social incentives to have stable fiscal environment should be based on understandings of risks for macroeconomic stability from unstable debt path and discretion over deficits. Market discipline fail is important driving force why fiscal policy should be restrained by rules. The more wide approach on fiscal policy efficiency is the more fragile is incentive structure on the level of decision making. Fiscal rules in this respect are viewed as important part of compensation of market fails and political opportunism. Wider understanding of what is efficient fiscal policy relative to monetary policy is viewed as prominent validation of why fiscal policy should be rules-based.

Ключові слова

фіскальні правила; державний борг; бюджетний дефіцит; фіскальна політика; макроекономіка; фискальные правила; государственный долг; бюджетный дефицит; фискальная политика; fiscal rules; public debt; budget deficit; fiscal policy; macroeconomics

Повний текст:



Література :

Kopits G. Fiscal Rules / G. Kopits, S. Symansky // IMF Occasional Paper. – 1998. – OP/98/162. – 56 p.

Buchanan J. Deficits / J. Buchanan, Ch. Rowley, R. Tollison. – Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1986.

Buchanan J. Democracy in Deficit : The Political Legacy of Lord Keynes / J. Buchanan, R. Wagner. – New York : Academic Press, 1977.

Wagner R. Revenue Structure, Fiscal Illusion, and Budgetary Choice / R. Wagner // Public Choice. – 1976. – Vol. 25. – P. 45–61.

Wyplosz Ch. Fiscal Policy : Institutions Versus Rules / Ch. Wyplosz // National Institute Economic Review. – 2005. – Jan. – № 191. – Р. 70–84.

Hagen von J. Political Economy of Fiscal Institutions / J. von Hagen // Governance and the Effi ciency of Economic System (GESY) Discussion Paper. – 2005. – № 149. – Р. 1–14.

Drazen A. Fiscal Rules from Political Economy Perspective / A. Drazen // Paper Prepared for the IMF-World Bank Conference on Rule-Based Fiscal Policy in Emerging Market Economies, Oaxaca, Mexico. – 2002. – Feb. 14–16. – P. 1–28.

Persson T. Why a Subborn Conservative Would Run a Deficit : Policy with Timeinconsistent Preferences / T. Persson, L. Svensson // Quarterly Journal of Economics. – 1989. – № 104. – Р. 325–345.

Alesina A. A Positive Theory of Fiscal Deficits and Government Debt / A. Alesina, G. Tabellini // Review of Economic Studies. – 1990. – № 57. – Р. 403–414.

Drazen A. Political Economy in Macroeconomics / A. Drazen. – Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2000.

Drazen A. The Political Business Cycle After 25 Years / A. Drazen // NBER Macroeconomics Annual. – 2000 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode : www.nber.org.

Marneffe W. The Impact of Fiscal Rules on Public Finance : Theory and Empirical Evidence for the Euro Area / W. Marneffe, B. van Aarle, W. van der Wielen, L. Vereeck [Electronic resource]. – Access mode : www.iwh-halle.de.

Lombardo D. The Design of Fiscal Rules / D. Lombardo // IMF and Turkish Banks’ Association Seminar, Feb. 26, 2009. – Р. 1–21.

Murray A. Fiscal Rules Ok? / A. Murray, G. Wilkes // Centre Forum. – 2009. – Jan. – P. 1–12.

Emmerson C. The Government’s Fiscal Rules / C. Emmerson, Ch. Frayne, S. Love // The Institute for Fiscal Studies Briefing Note. – 2006. – № 16. – Р. 1–15.

Lima P. de Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Performance / P. de Lima, A. de Serres, M. Kennedy // OECD Economic Department Working Papers. – 2003. – № 353. – Р. 1–65.

Fiscal Rules – Anchoring Expectations for Sustainable Public Finance // IMF. – 2009. – SM/09/274. – Р. 1–72.

Классики кейнсианства : в 2-х т. Т. 1 : К теории экономической динамики. Экономические циклы и национальный доход. – Ч. І-ІІ / Э. Хансен. – М. : ОАО Издательство “Экономика”, 1997. — 416 с.

Классики кейнсианства : в 2-х т. – Т. ІІ : Экономические циклы и национальный доход. – Ч. ІІІ-IV / Э. Хансен. – М. : ОАО Издательство “Экономика”, 1997. – 431 с.

Моисеев С. Политэкономия финансовой репрессии / С. Моисеев // Вопросы экономики. – 2002. – № 12. – С. 36–50.

Фридмен М. Оптимальное количество денег (Если бы деньги заговорили…) / М. Фридмен ; пер. с англ. – М. : Дело, 1999. – С. 43–105.

Lucas R. Some International Evidence on Output-Infl ation Tradeoffs / R. Lucas // American Economic Review. – 1973. – № 63/3. – P. 326–334.

Lucas R. Econometric Policy Evaluation : A Critique / R. Lucas // Carnegie-Rochester Series on Public Policy. – 1976. – Vol. 1.

Barro R. Are Government Bonds Net Wealth? / R. Barro // Journal of Political Economy. – 1974. – Vol. 82, 6. – P. 1095–1117.

Kydland F. Rules Rather than Discretion : The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans / F. Kydland, E. Prescott // Journal of Political Economy. – 1977. – № 85 (3). – P. 473–492.

Barro R. A Positive Theory of Monetary Policy in a Natural Rate Model / R. Barro, D. Gordon // Journal of Political Economy. – 1983. – № 101 (3). – P. 589–610.

Barro R. Rules, Discretion and Reputation in a Model of Monetary Policy / R. Barro, D. Gordon // Journal of Monetary Economics. – 1983. – № 12. – Р. 101–120.

Aizenman J. International Reserve Holding with Sovereign Risk and Costly Tax Collection / J. Aizenman, N. Marion // Economic Journal. – 2004. – Vol. 17. – P. 370–400.

Blanchard O. An Empirical Characterization of the Dynamic Effects of Changes in Government Spending and Taxes on Output / O. Blanchard, R. Perotti // Quarterly Journal of Economics. – 2002. – Vol. 117, 4. – P. 1329–1368.

References :

Kopits, G., Symansky, S. (1998). Fiscal Rules. IMF Occasional Paper, ОР/98/162, 56.

Buchanan, J., Rowley, Ch., Tollison, R. (1986). Deficits. Oxford : Basil Blackwell.

Buchanan, J., Wagner, R. (1977). Democracy in Deficit : The Political Legacy of Lord Keynes. New York : Academic Press.

Wagner, R. (1976). Revenue Structure, Fiscal Illusion, and Budgetary Choice. Public Choice, 25, 45–61.

Wyplosz, Ch. (2005). Fiscal Policy : Institutions Versus Rules. National Institute Economic Review, 191, 70–84.

Hagen von, J. (2005). Political Economy of Fiscal Institutions. Governance and the Efficiency of Economic System (GESY) Discussion Paper, 149, 1–14.

Drazen, A. (2002). Fiscal Rules From Political Economy Perspective. Paper prepared for the IMF-World Bank Conference on Rule-Based Fiscal Policy in Emerging Market Economies, Oaxaca, Mexico, Feb. 14–16, 1–28.

Persson, T., Svensson, L. (1989). Why a Subborn Conservative Would Run a Deficit : Policy with Time-inconsistent Preferences. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104, 325–345.

Alesina, A., Tabellini, G. (1990). A Positive Theory of Fiscal Deficits and Government Debt. Review of Economic Studies, 57, 403–414.

Drazen, A. (2000). Political Economy in Macroeconomics. Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press.

Drazen, A. (2000). The Political Business Cycle After 25 Years. NBER Macroeconomics Annual. Available at : http://www.nber.org.

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Barro, R. (1974). Are Government Bonds Net Wealth? Journal of Political Economy, 82, 6, 1095–1117.

Kydland, F., Prescott, E. (1977). Rules Rather than Discretion : The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans. Journal of Political Economy, 85 (3), 473–492.

Barro, R., Gordon, D. (1983). A Positive Theory of Monetary Policy in a Natural Rate Model. Journal of Political Economy, 101 (3), 589–610.

Barro, R., Gordon, D. (1983). Rules, Discretion and Reputation in a Model of Monetary Policy. Journal of Monetary Economics, 12, 101–120.

Aizenman, J., Marion, N. (2004). International Reserve Holding with Sovereign Risk and Costly Tax Collection. Economic Journal, 17, 370–400.

Blanchard, O., Perotti, R. (2002). An Empirical Characterization of the Dynamic Effects of Changes in Government Spending and Taxes on Output. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117,4, 1329–1368.


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